Frequently Asked Questions

ERP development can involve a number of different technologies, depending on the specific needs of the company. Commonly used technologies include programming languages such as Java, C#, Python, relational databases such as MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, development frameworks such as .NET, Laravel, Django, and cloud services for ERP deployment and management. Artificial intelligence and data analysis technologies, such as machine learning, can also be integrated to deliver advanced ERP functionality.

Digital marketing offers several advantages over traditional marketing methods. It allows you to precisely target a specific audience, interact with customers in a personalized way, measure results in real time and adjust campaigns accordingly. What's more, digital marketing is often more cost-effective than traditional methods, offering flexible pricing options and enabling advertising investments to be optimized for greater ROI.

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is an integrated management system that enables companies to manage and automate a wide range of activities, including accounting, inventory management, human resources management, purchasing and sales management, and so on. It centralizes company data and processes, facilitating collaboration between different departments and improving operational efficiency. ERP is important because it enables companies to gain visibility, streamline operations, optimize resource utilization and make decisions based on real-time data.

Our ergonomic approach means designing websites that are user-friendly, intuitive and easy to navigate. We strive to create a fluid and pleasant user experience, ensuring that visitors can quickly find the information they are looking for. Good ergonomics enable users to take full advantage of the website and interact effectively with its content.

Mobile application security is crucial. To ensure security, it is advisable to follow best practices such as validating user input, encrypting sensitive data, using secure connections (HTTPS), regularly updating the libraries and frameworks used, and carrying out thorough security tests to identify potential vulnerabilities. It is also important to make users aware of good security practices, such as installing applications from trusted sources and managing application permissions.

Digital marketing is constantly evolving with the emergence of new technologies. For example, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning enable advanced personalization and automation of marketing processes. Chatbots and voice assistants improve the customer experience and ease of access to information. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies offer immersive engagement opportunities. It's important to stay up to date with technology trends and explore how they can be strategically integrated into our digital marketing campaigns to stay competitive and offer an innovative experience to our target audience.

To ensure the security of a website, it's important to implement secure development practices, such as using HTTPS protocols, validating and escaping user input, protecting against code injection attacks (such as SQL attacks), regularly updating software and plugins, and regularly backing up data.

To publish a mobile app on app stores such as Google Play Store for Android or Apple App Store for iOS, you'll generally need to follow these steps :

  • Create a developer account with the app store platform.
  • Prepare your application according to the app store's specific submission guidelines and policies.
  • Generate an application binary file, such as an APK file for Android or an IPA file for iOS.
  • Submit your application, providing detailed information such as application description, screenshots, promotional videos, icons, etc.

Choosing the right ERP development partner is crucial to project success. Some important factors to consider when choosing a good ERP development partner are :

  1. Experience and expertise: Check the service provider's experience in ERP development, and make sure they have the necessary technical expertise. Ask for references and examples of previous similar projects.
  2. Understanding needs: Make sure the partner fully understands your company's specific requirements and is able to propose appropriate solutions. Good communication and careful listening are essential to ensure that the ERP developed will meet expectations.
  3. Maintenance: Ensure that the partner provides ongoing maintenance of the ERP after deployment. It's important to have a partner who will be available to resolve any problems and carry out any necessary updates.

Choosing the right ERP development partner is crucial to project success. Some important factors to consider when choosing a good ERP development partner are :

  1. Experience and expertise: Check the service provider's experience in ERP development, and make sure they have the necessary technical expertise. Ask for references and examples of previous similar projects.
  2. Understanding needs: Make sure the partner understands your company's specific needs and is able to propose appropriate solutions. Good communication and careful listening are essential to ensure that the ERP developed will meet expectations.
  3. Maintenance: Ensure that the partner provides ongoing maintenance of the ERP after deployment. It's important to have a partner who will be available to resolve any problems and carry out any necessary updates.